Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

every single creature in the neopets universe is defined by a Great Chain Of Petting

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class system

i think the petpetpetā€™s should rise up and overthrow their masters

the character will be named Dr. Pepper and this is the only thing i have

do they have petspetspetspets

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  • Was given inspiration by the gods to create something called Dr. Pepper. Now people are trying to hunt him down
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got it

people are hunting him down because it tasted absolutely awful and they think he tried to poison them

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I think it should be a Human Barbarian

perhaps even give it a backstory involving a giant autohammer, to explain a lack of intelligence

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heā€™s too dumb to realize that they are hunting him down cuz of this and think they are hunting him down to steal the formula

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no if its inspiration from the gods it, unfortunately, needs to be a cleric

i wish 5e had a favored soul

It could have just been a hallucination

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from the giant autohammer
got it

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A dumbass starts tripping and tells the dream to someone who told him it must be from the gods (shady salesman who told him this)

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  • was given inspiration from the gods to create a beverage that tastes great. naturally, she decided to name it after herself
  • in order to accomplish this, she uses a magical substance high in the sky called ā€œcarbon dioxideā€ and a substance found deep in the ground called ā€œpepperā€
  • depending on class, she either did some herbal drugs, got hit with an autohammer, it was actual inspiration from the trickster god, etc.
  • the drink tastes like actual poison except when its made from her. allegedly this is because only she has the REAL carbon dioxide
  • has a doctorate in alchemy. was probably forged.
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The drink must taste like actual poison

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it would be really funny if it only tasted great whenever they made it

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