Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

So arguably that could just be a straightforward tell of “May knows this person better than he did before”

i love to play mafia with people i know. i get to just say shit and they have to put up with it

I can play mafia with some people I know but not others. You gotta have the right situation. Story and I cannot play mafia together, we’ve found

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I like to kill people

okay this is true. but i “know” the people i get to play mafia with in an online sense and not so much irl. which means i get to just say shit and they have to put up with it


may will say this and people will still say they’re not polarized

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You say this like it’s an achievement.

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I lose sight of literally everything when I’m arguing with someone in mafia. I do not care about anything but winning. Luckily the way rhetoric works it’s still best to be civil so this doesn’t usually cause me problems but it is true of me

And in certain situations it absolutely can be an issue. For example playing mafia with your girlfriend.

How is everybody reading this doing

Probably should be sleeping given the time but there is so much engaging things to do

test tomorrow. test thursday. test friday. online portion of the test on friday that i can do at any point this week as long as it’s before friday

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i should be sleeping but i came to the realization today that i don’t know most of the material for the test tomorrow



What do you have to learn. Make a list here quickly

too much


Good luck and good sleep penguinbarbecue :people_hugging:


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