Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

unless i misheard him

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What if he reads it for the memes

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nobody has ever done that silviu

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Iā€™m going to read it for the memes now

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Iā€™m going to watch the inventor today
I barely know what itā€™s about

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Thereā€™s alot of people that do things that look inconceivable until it actually happens, Storey!

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This isnā€™t about interacting with people itā€™s about how I was up until 2am doing literally nothing and didnā€™t even put away my laundry

I forgot to reply. It was a post sbout forgetting how to be a human

I still feel bad about badlyexplaining that calculus problem to that one guy I had already taken my sleep meds so I was all over the place

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let me believe i have a queer friend literally everyone but him is like That genre of teenage boy

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Have you tried offering him your sleeping meds so he would be in the same headspace as you

It wasnā€™t like a difficult problem I just was explaining it wrong

Good idea oding that next time

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you should explain calculus to me

It wouldā€™ve gone so much better if I didnā€™t forget the negative sign atfirst cause I didnā€™t see the limit was negative infinityā€¦

They are the badges I adorn

Numbers go in directions which makes other numbers go in other dircetions

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i slept on the bus to college again

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This is so true

Sometimes the same direction by coincidence