Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

Most of the Sorc17er F3 I played while being driven to college

God my purse would look so much better with this outfit but it shreds my back so bad

Is your purse the weight of a building

My back muscles are the weight of a feather

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And it has my laptop which is kinda heavy

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Did you do the



Not yet cause Iā€™m late to class

If you donā€™t do cartwheels to the point you fly in the air from how much you are spinning then youā€™re an unserious person


Conducting an umbrella review


Welcome guys to my umbrella unboxing video

Iā€™m watching people who walk by and judging their umbrellas

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My thing with teaching people is that Iā€™m like extremely incapable of memorising shit without understanding how it works. Iā€™ll just forget it if I donā€™t know the Why. I donā€™t memorise formulas I memorise their derivations. Etc. So when I explain things to people I can never just say ā€œyou find the answer by doing Xā€. I tend to assume theyā€™re like me and need to know Why you do X and most people donā€™t practically learn that way so they just get confused

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Like if I were a Teacher that might be a good ida to teach people like but when Iā€™m explaining a problem on someoneā€™s math homework I get way into like. Why why why why why and thatā€™s not what htey want to know how to do

I think this is how it works. I remember there was a russian that entered some book for having great memory? And he said that he simply associated info he was reading with things from real life. (Math and other abstract subjects for example, are hard because you canā€™t really point to a real life thing, like say cow and you point to a cow.)

Alternatively you can use mnemotics like Lolli Pass Baseballs Merely (London-Paris-Berlin-Madrid)

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My suggestion to people who have having trouble passing like high school physics is always ā€œif you really canā€™t get the Why of it, just memorise the equation setup for every format of problem ahead of each test, thereā€™s only so many they give youā€. This does not facilitate Learning but it facilitates Passing the Class and if theyā€™ve tried actually learning and itā€™s not working thatā€™s what you do

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What is an equation setup

Just, like, the process by which you turn a word problem into equations.

ā€œA car is moving at 20 kilometers per hourā€ ā†’ distance car has travelled = 20 * hours

That kind of thing.

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20 * (2, + āˆž)
