Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


there are also just generally a lot of songs about breaking free of addictions which is. not a uniquely conservative thing? at all?

well the christians were eventually accepted by rome and rome was really into greek culture and greece was all about femboys so you’re probably fine

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what the hell do you mean im probably fine im unaffected by this

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i should get a medal for these gymnastics

well someone out there is fine
probably arctic


i genuinely don’t know what conservapedia means by this

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I’m gonna eat the pork soup

Allergy be damned it looks good

there’s an anti-police brutality song in here. this has to be satire right? right?

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my dad told me my book store has a black book with a white cross in the middle on display and my first thought was “holy shit binding of isaac”

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can’t believe they wrote a whole book after the binding of isaac

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i’m hooked it’s like a car crash i can’t look away

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most of my exposure to chrsitianity has been via binding of isaac and lucifer

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sending you a copy of ultrakill

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my favourite genre of show is [proffesion] but they break all the rules

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the house pipeline

between house and lucifer I think i prefer house but house is still just a cowards bojack horseman