Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

why do they not let you talk about mahjong in private chats

what if mahjong is vital to your team’s strategy

Because we kept asking to have people added to our chat so they could play mahjong with us in our voice channels

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how is mahjong so popular in your social areas. is it your doing

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I’m not the original source. A friend of mine played solitaire mahjong during Among Us nights, leading me to establish a “Mahjong Monday” game night that was originally gonna be everyone sitting in silence playing solitaire mahjong. Different friend who is really into riichi mahjong heard of this, thought it would be a riichi mahjong game night, so I was like sure it’s a riichi mahjong game night and he taught us how to play. And then me & ANOTHER friend from the game nights got really into riichi and taught wveryone on our Splatoon team to play, and also other people in the Splatoon server

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Riichi mahjong and Splatoon are the same game

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Reading Riichi Book One teaches you a lot about pushing advantage in Splatoon

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And there’s plenty of other people who knew how to play before and come out of the woodwork when you begin mahjongposting

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Chat take the misinformation test with me


I did OK


Link doesn’t work

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Works for me

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On phone?


ur quiz is bad it doesn’t work

Not my fault


i want

'sup gamers i have an anxiety disorder, post-operative pain, and a distressing amount of knowledge about awful British TV shows from the mid-2000s

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that last one is a lie i really don’t know that much i just keep hsitposting about Bonekickers

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