Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

B. M. Started with a B or an M

you better not have forgotten their name too

This is why I repeat the names

How will I sell my fish hats now


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you probably should not leave the game open for 8 hours it has a critical memory leak


simple headaches when 5 day long headache that turns off during the day time and on at 6pm walk into the room

Watching a video where it said
“They think their baby is the best thing on the planet. Put me in a boxing match with them and we will see”

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i think about early to bed early to rise every day


yeah you definitely think about early to rise

Poof I feel a bit cloudy this morning

whats this supposed to mean

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(I don’t think Story thinks about early to rise)

i dotn think about early to rise i just Do. i wake up 3 times a night because the world is evil

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Grrrr world grrr society

fun ella “ici balus” lastname fact: i fucking love dressing like an obviously lesbian socialite from the 19th century

the 19th century may have, in terms of human consequences, been Really, Really Bad, but it fucking ruled in terms of fashion


also in the 19th century you could basically start a revolution for like, no reason. it wouldn’t work but you could try


Viva mi revolucion

