Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

we already have plenty in hell

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Plenty of Burger King?

we actually have an overpopulation problem in hell, and blowing up the world does not seem productive in solving this issue

Can you blow up like a city or a country

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we are currently planning on doing this in some time in the future, don’t worry

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What the fuck. Organic @Marshal on my dash


Just had a jailor get prosecuted day 2

I love town of salem 2


I am the top post on #testicular pain by over 600 times. I am winning

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fun fact
king midas was able to escape his fate with absolutely zero consequences

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unfortunately he went on to say someone was a better musician than apollo

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What are you doing

free advertisment story???

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cookie thre

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Anyone rememberthat part in 1984 where they all ignored their bio homework to play Lobotomy Corporation


Got a 94 on the test I didn’t study for

Therefore I should repeat this behaviour. Streaming RN

i’m actually shocked there weren’t any lobotomies in 1984. it feels like an oceania thing to do


I accidentally pick the first box without looking one (1) time and I get fucking Mirror of Adjustment

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