Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

So basically the alchemist is an outsider

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“If the good player is executed, evil wins. Good can’t win if you both live.”

The twins know each other’s exact role

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Now, Mole Evil Twin on the other hand…

Yeah, so the alchemist’s twin sees the alchemist as alchemist

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what’s the fun in twins anyway. from what i can tell it’s just a shouting match that everyone else has to ignore before they can mechanically figure out which one’s evil

i think that’s one of the only roles that says that

They know an evil Minion and their exact character, so not really.

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that’s literally the point of twins

I love shouting matches

it’s even in the flavor

The demon could be twins right?

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usually a role like twins just says “their/your team loses” pretty crazy

That would be funny


I had a game where my demon was a twin…

And i was vizier…


sudden death

See, this isn’t fun. It isn’t fun for the Twins because everyone else just ignores them, and that means it isn’t fun for anyone else to figure it out. If there’s a Twin pair in a game that you’re playing in, play with them. Interact with their slots, figure out their thoughts. It’ll help everyone.


I was fucking scrambling to claim alchemist

And then my demon claimed atheist


demon twins is like fiddler but less funny

hey whatever works