Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

Nobody will tell me

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Ur a cat

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Actually thereā€™s an easy way to tell

I thought further research was required. Did you figure it out

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When you are petted do you have this irrsstisble urge to wag ur tail

If so ur a dog

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Canā€™t say Iā€™m particularly frequently petted these days

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Question and Survery to figure out if May is a cat or dog

  1. How long do you sleep
  2. Do you wag ur tail when petted
  3. Do you like swimming
  4. Do you play fetch with feathers
  5. I ran out of questions
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Who let the meow out

meow meow meow

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My cat plays fetch

My dog doesnā€™t

Whatever happened to the next misc

My app says 7 hours but it is a LIAR because it pretends I stop sleeping as soon as my alarm goes off (false) (I sleep longer) (Like ten hours or so without an alarm)


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I play fetch with my opponents in Splatoon (I have chased them into their base and been shot from behind because I overextended again)

I ran out of answers

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Results inconclusive but Iā€™ll confirm bias yoy as a cat


My dog hates swimming


He is a Golden Retriever. He refuses to swim

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He literally lives right by a lake and he will not go far enough into the water that his feet donā€™t touch the ground. Ever. Under any circumstances

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What if you are drowning

If he is drowning? Yeah he can swim. He just wonā€™t do it on purpose

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I once rode a horse and my dog went wild

It did not like me riding a horse