Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

also commieblocks before people with actual taste came around they looked like the world had been drained of color

for a real answer: [REDACTED]
for a real non doxxing answer: my house it is old and bad. “fixer upper” if the fixer upper was rented so you cant do anything. Hell on earth

I’m gonna view my first Dusk ordeal. Given my box status I doubt I’m finishing this day but I will See It. Green Dusk

my real answer is such a funny story to tell too. May remind me when im doxxing myself to tell you about the building lore

my least favorite building is the fortnite tilted towers

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didnt they explode it

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I have two… actually only one now. Ok nevermind I need a new least favorite building. Oh well. Time to invest in enron.


hey, does anyone want to try a totally normal quiz? :D


Oh, come on.

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I slooowly started to catch on to some of the logic but it’s still so inconsistent

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i hope they make the pokedex colors mechanically relevant in gen 10 so that people have to start remembering this shit


I’m suspecting game freak is colorblind

What’s the logic

“In order to enter the Psychic gym, you must remember Ho-Oh’s colour.”

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I have notifs set so that each time a new signup thread is created, I get notified directly through a text message.

i was thinking more like synchrocolor. really powerful, but only hits pokemon with the same pokedex color. like synchronoise but actually good

How did you set that up?

it’s really funny that tera finally gives umbreon a way to use synchronoise without outside help. but synchronoise got dexited a gen ago so it doesn’t even matter

wait, not text message. uhhh the thing that gets sent to my internet mailbox thingy


also, unrelated.
