i… really don’t know. but I’d like to! thats why i ask the questions
What sort of personality is it that you think to see?
i have tubs specifically for microwave pasta
The Boogyman
do not know
Would you stand by it?
what am i standing by
would I get a cane
Can I be invited to the wedding?
im trying to optimise busgoing and as a healthy looking young adult I need a strat for if all the seats are taken. i cant ask for the seats for the disableds because people are evil. and i need a cane. so i should get a cane so when i get onbthe bus people who dont get injured by standing up on the bus give me their seat
you know you’re going to make me weddingpost right
Last time I was on a bus without open seats I had to use the “collapse on the floor” strat
Oh. I get it now.
may do you need me to send you my cane
The buses here don’t drive like hte ones in Florence I think I’ll be good
yeah ive been considering just falling the fuck over repeatedly. i think its definitely a working strat but theres inherent risk to hitting the floor. maybe less risk than holding on fkr dear life for an hour. my arms still have not recovered
I genuinely have no words or comparison or description to describe how the buses in Florence drive.
Canestrat seems optimal long-term IMO
I’ve been in a car with a drunk driver in the middle of a hurricane on a small island and I felt less fear htan I did in Florence