Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

What do you think

I think about thinking

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the fact that a guy who killed himself d2 was probably one of the best town playing players there says a lot about that game ngl

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I wish you wrre the only townie to shoot a wolf that would have been golden

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In hindsight, I shouldnā€™t have done what I did, it was purely selfish I could have bagged some wolves

but also, itā€™s funny, and I donā€™t like playing mafia

until I do like playing it

Playing mafia is overrated

Play botc instead


the game I hosted was just worse botc imo

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I mean you took amnesiac and did exactly what botc told you not to do with it


that sign canā€™t stop me if I canā€™t read


Avg botcu player

Imagine playing on unofficial when I can play on anarchic

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Amelia do you think I could fill triple threat virtuous if I hyped it enough

Me when the parvenu just vanishes and I resurrect them as huli jing professor anyway

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I dont think they have the playerbase

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No not anarchic

On here


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Iā€™d definitely do a very slight amount of recruiting from anarchic tho
Very slight