Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


OKAY I GOT MY CHEM HW one second

ah fair


what the hell was the first couple months there. What were we up to

I knew exactly what I was up to

Surcose (table sugar) is a disaccharide of fructose and glucose. Its formula is C12, H22, O11
a. Calclate the molar mass
b. How many molecules of sucrose are in this can of coke
I have the molar mass as 375 on here, how do I calculate the molecules?


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Does the can have a number of grams of sugar listed on it?

I did have an unfair advantage :3 You gonna do anything about that

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Oh i remember this shit

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You cant keep getting away with this

wait one second thats on not my workbook I need to check lab results

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52 grams

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you love making me flustered in the cookie thread it is evil. I will not do anything to stop that

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ain’t no way they’re making you do a lab to figure out how much sugar is in coke

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May can i leak olivest control pod where I gave you my name

this is why i hate chemistry

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A is easy enough its just basic multiplication and knowledge of atomic mass

B. is decently hard

Its molecules of sucrose mind you