Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


peer reviewer gave me an F on my first draft way to kill my morale

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“its only bullet points” it’s an outline. of course it’s only bullet points

Wowww that’s brutal

“its so vague” it’s an outline. it’s an outline. have you seen an outline before it’s an outline.

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there are a few valid criticisms but it’s hard to spot them among the numerous criticism that boil down to it’s an outline and i will obviously fix these things in the process of making it not an outline. sooo not f worthy

Benguined’s peer reviewer has never heard of an outline before… so sad, many such cases

Instagram is such a funny platform I post there once every few months to inflict psychological warfare on my high school classmates and that’s it


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the reviewer said “wrong” after one of my sentences and never elaborated

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You probably have quite a few opinions about what’s going on in the news cycle right now, but it’s important to remember one thing: you’re wrong. Here’s why. To start, you’re completely missing the point and everything you think is actually at odds with reality when you look at the data. In fact, you’re nowhere close to being accurate. It’s simple to understand when you stop for a second and actually look at the issues. Once you open your eyes, you’ll see that you’re wrong about each and every one of them, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. “But what about this other thing I heard?” No, if the past is any indication of the future, not only is there no chance that you’ll ever be right, all signs suggest you will never even come close once in your lifetime. The only way you’ll ever be right is to repeat everything I say word-for-word to every single person you know. Until then, you’re wrong.

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Love is in the air? Wrong!

whenever i have to invent a new guy because they graduate beyond the Singing Machine i always give them a cute name


objectively i am wasting a LOB point by doing this but have you considered that it’s funny to have a guy with rank 2 in Fortitude and 5 in everything else called “Conductor”

lets fucking GOOOO
post your favorite incomprhensible diagram from winning ways everyone


this is my personal favorite

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thats just a prageru diagram, the stuff from winning ways is funnier because it genuinely means something

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