Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

Now i have a song stuck in my head

If you live in the fucking Northeastern United States you have to make fun of every state in there. It’s the rules and hte law. Once I was making fun of Connecticut to someone who lives there and they were like “uhhh Connecticut’s not that bad :/” learn the Code motherfucker we get it you went to Yale for grad school

You Have To Hate All The States

the last comment on the general summary of the peer review is that i need to rethink and expand on my topic. my professor looked over my paper without looking at the peer review afterwards and said i might have to trim it down a little to not go too far over the word count. i don’t think i could’ve gotten more contradictory advice

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I can get much worse songs stuck in your head if you like

i will murder you.

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“what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is demonstrably false btw. who came up with that one are they stupid

I am not going to repsond to this with the thing I was going to respond to it with


My friend and I have been saying “Why don’t they just [x]? Are they stupid?” back and forth to each other over everything recently it’s such an addictive phrase

you still have to find a pfp for me anyway. one suffer at a time please

I’m not good at deciding!!

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i love to die of dehydration because i can’t have water at smash tournament

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If you see people arguing about hte guidelines in a server you can’t post hte guy walking into fire with pizza GIF cause then you’re a third party bringing food to the Community Tournament


Do they have a Blue Star I love Blue Star

this feels like something thats happened before

Kindof hard


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