oh i always do this
Sometimes when you bullshid your way through an essay, it works out
i don’t think i’ve ever written a single essay that wasn’t just kinda spontaneously written down way too close to the deadline. the difference is now i have a bad peer review to throw under the bus
My spine is not in the correct place right now I think
Anyone want to throw rocks at my Spine
i don’t think spines are supposed to do that
They do anyway
It’s not like a problem-problem I have very loose joints they just don’t stay correct. Means my muscles are all very tense all the time trying to hold them together
human backs are designed to always hurt. the curse of being bipedal
Guys behind me are discussing and reviewing all the elevators on campus, and their favourites, and potentially visiting different buildings they do not have classes in to evaluate the elevators.
And the history of the elevators. When they were installed. Their mechanics. Et cetera
Good quality of conversation around here. Love to overhear things
what are the other two games
I should take the elevator in the hall I’m going to. To review it. They say it’s the oldest here
may is playing one of them
taking the OLDEST elevator in town ((dangerous))