Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I recommend not doing that

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basic thermodynamics dictate that the longer i stand on this one spot the cooler it will get

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one of us will break first (usually me)

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I don’t see your point.

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Something something fry an egg joke insert joke here :fried_egg: etc etc et al

it’s really hot and you usually don’t want to be barefoot when it’s really hot because your feet will get really hot and it will h urt

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Five and a half hours until I am supposed to wake up

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the gif was supposed to actually show up


Italy the typa guy to wear shorts in a snowstorm to prove his superiority

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I thought Texas was like a desert region. How are you struggling here?

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I had a really bad shorts in a snowstorm phase last winter

i wore a t shirt every day until about halfway into winter

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who the hell told you texas was a desert

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whatever you get the still image instead

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we are so very much NOT a desert

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wasteland yes desert no

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Short sleeve short dress in midwinter fuck this shit being cold is Entertainment


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