Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

looks at california

looks at australia


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pretty sure california is just a desert
could you not have picked a better place to grow almonds

someone else on here knows dhmis
good to hear

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Mexico, California, Pheonix, San Diego, New Jersey.
These were the first five that came to me. Mexico’s a country though, isn’t it?


i dont feel like an alien now

And I tryharded my continent project so hard because I wanted straight A+s that semester cause it was 6th grade it was easy. Right. And I do almost perfect

one of those is a country
two of those are cities


two states. and one of them is new jersey that doesn’t really count


They grow well in cali! Idk why

Almonds are weird man

She takes off 5 points because “it’s not realistic to have so large a rain-shadow desert near the equator” and that was the ONLY shit she could think of and she took points off NOBODY else for this she just didn’t want to give me 100%. The end

Australia’s great desert is around the middle of the continent, to be fair.

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The point is that I thought of Arizona before Texas.

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you thought of san diego your opinion is outlier
nobody thinks of san diego unless they’re thinking of how much better the world would be without san diego

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How about US of A as a whole

We don’t need a sweatshirt you’re in San Diego and I’m in hell

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i will say this about just about every large city in california
wipe san francisco off the map

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Every time two Californians come into contact online they immediately begin complaining about every city in the fucking state and rent and traffic and air pollution and fires

I like the name.

I will never move to California I refuse to even go near it

Move to Australia. It s the same thing but now with venomous creatures

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