Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

You should. Once they announce em. They poll for game order first IDK if we’re even close to the new season

When im bored i like to read the guidelines


My game might be in there I’m subjecting Discord to mountainous they’re gonna hate it

the meteorologist can spend actions to draw less storm cards except in a team based game they can literally just stand there and hold back the fucking stars the entire game while everyone else builds the ship

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I just submitted riichi mahjong mafia also

Riichi mahjong mafia is so funny. There’s a silencer that makes you only able to talk in Mahjong Soul emotes and the word nya

If you draw 13 orphans you get to take 13 night actions at once

i’m sure no members of the mafia will draw it

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i love to use my action on half the game, chosen randomly

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it has come to my attention this is irrelevant because you draw at the end of every turn and not turn cycle this game is fucked up

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Yeah no I didn’t make the 8AM

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Should have grabbed your super hero cape and a Wooden Spoon.

You mean everyone doesn’t organise their online library this way?

The thing anout getting sleep paralysis when you wakenup too tired is you get slepe apralysis when you cake uo too tired

13 different actions. To be clear.


I think the lakes have a superiority and inferiority complex

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