Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

we went from lesbian trophy wife to math in the span of MINUTES run for ur life


I need to take a look at this once I get out of class.

Just finished my mandarin exam

I fucked that last question

oh god mafia theory? youā€™re doing mafia theory
good luck when I tried to simulate for town of salem massclaiming i went insane

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if you are a man, and you are wearing fingerless gloves out in public

i need you to seek therapy

i love mafia theory
though i usually stick to setups without claiming because it makes the EV functions really easy to write

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def jailEV(town, mafia):
  if mafia == 1:
    return 0
  if town <= mafia:
    return 1
  townLimChance = town / (town + mafia)
  mafiaLimChance = 1 - townLimChance
  return townLimChance * jailEV(town - 1, mafia) + mafiaLimChance * jailEV(town - 1, mafia - 1)

jailEV(8, 3)

nya nya nya :flushed:

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Hereā€™s the problem with me trying to code something.

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specialising in semi opens was the worst mistake of my life. I only calcā€™d based off subalignments and not roles, but even then man it was evil. maybe my brain was just too small then

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wdym subalignments

Town Investigative, Support etc
the idea is, if you simply all claim your subalignment at the start of a game you can poe and win
executions are decided by which subalignments are the most crowded and as a result are most likely to have scum
this is important because tos vfr is just a super inefficient version of this

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essentially just proving that antimassclaim is neccesary

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oh i thought you meant this in general open setups

oh no I am trapped within the horrors zug. until recently i was mod at tg and all they do is semi open mafia. I like semi open mafia

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TownWinChance = 0%

i can see why thatā€™d be super difficult to properly simulate
some setups have. a much simpler time though
i could probably quickly write something for, say, a Vig10er because thereā€™s very little information to keep track of
whereas in a setup with a cop the game becomes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

yeah i never even tried implementing cops and stuff. that wouldve been the next step. There was not a next step taken

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town win a good amount of the time nya nya nya
honestly iā€™m considering making town weaker here

this is JAIL which me and Gar will host at some point