Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i was on a power trip. I had to make a guessing game program for a class to learn about if statements and i said hey. what if i dont use any if statements. or try except. or arrays/maps. and just kept on adding absurd conditions to the challenge
my solution was to use a uint16 as a pseudo-bitarray and use an absurd amount of boolean logic


I think I’ve got it; just need to play 20 Questions with Java.

there were numerous ways I could “take the easy way” but i kept on refusing and got sad when I found more. mostly because I’d use them to fix one problem and realise I could use them to fix All Problems
i can send you the resulting code if you want


i was originally building it off java as that was what i was learning but java is fucked up and booleans cannot be converted to fucking ints without a conditional. So I decided I’d learn c++ Just For That

like yes, technically I could print everything using the string.repeat trick. which is why I banned the string.repeat trick. so instead i ended up using string.substring. and realising I had just did the same thing and at that point I just went with it


the trick to take input only in specific situations is fucked though like that shit is insane


eliza bestie i dont understand why you like my posts sometimes


skill issue

    std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max() * printQuestion, '\n');
    std::getline(std::cin, fourStr);

what was she cooking (I do not remember how I came up with this)

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iirc this only works with getline. this doesnt work with your standard std::cin >> x deal. at least not exactly

Cin by default ignores and removes the leading whitespace but getline does not ignore the leading whitespace on its own.

this is why i think. because of this interaction using cin normally and then getline will leave whitespace that getLine will pick up, but i can ignore it to take input normally. If I ignore nothing by multiplying it by 0, it just ignores nothing, takes the newline and nothing else, and continues on

This thread



Ok, good news, bad news.
Good news is that I got the chicanery working.
Bad news is that the chicanery doesn’t work.

It ultimately comes down to this fundamental issue.

We have to jump from 8 to 10 and somehow hit 9 in the middle on an infinitesimally small platform.

This is a new kind of May…


They’ve added a whole new dimension to May

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We’ve updated our May experience