Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

3am is where it starts getting more ehh

i originally thought she was ftm but nopers. just a cis woman. god forbid women have hobbies lol

Sleep or more random YouTube videos

Such a difficult choice

every moment awake in florida is one not worth being awake for. choose sleep

As a florida man, its 200% worth being awake for

Hey someone have you ever read jnovels

Somebody might leave you a beer on your balcony for no reason

Oh i had it fully backwards lmfao

No I actually havent

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Let’s play a game


Guess how cringe the opening of a novel is from the picture of it

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Scale of 1-10 how cringe

Nah Florida is often quite entertaining

Downtown Orlando always got some crackhead entertaining the street, just a 50/50 on if you also should be worried for your life

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Just keep a gun and your fine

Opening it up

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Legit its practically legal to kill a guy if he looks at you funny

it’s a 9 oh god

My friend from Miami said downtown Orlando at night is more scary than downtown Miami which surprised me