Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

a lot of schools have policies that prevent you from participating in extracurriculars if your grades are too low (particularly if you’re failing anything)

I think the theory is basically that if your grades are sufficiently low you should be spending your time on fixing that, rather than on clubs


Well yeah it’s the latter

I just phrased it like kick out

why are your grades so low, is this a Solvable Problem

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Also I’m not even failing any classes anymore (but I have less than a 2.5 gpa, apparently)


I was denied entry into one club I tried to get into this semester.

The one time I felt motivated enough to reach out to another human being, I was denied.

So I’ve spent the last 2 months not talking to any human beings.

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I just missed a shit ton of assignments in two of my classes

Bad habit. I’d check ur assignments more often

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And I can’t get them up for like 2 weeks

is makeup work allowed for partial credit

(if not, is it Definitely Not Allowed or is there just a rule saying it’s not allowed)


I do but the physics teacher places them [nowhere] and expects you to do them

Not literally nowhere but in obscure places


It happens, if u find yourself forgetting them often might be nice to buy a planner or get one on ur phone.

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Not where I go lol. If you miss classes or assignments at my college its just “get good”

He said he won’t accept late work even if you got into a car crash

Awesome teacher

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Yeah my dad noticed and is now 1984ing me
I hope it’ll be helpful


Why do people like this get into teaching