Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

this passes setup bc no dashii is the best demon

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We are so so so close to the cookieeee

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The actual answer is that some people were executing me, confirmed VT, to hand a win to a 3P, and by doing this were throwing away 1.5 town misexecutions, and justified this by saying I had bad reads so I wasn’t too big of a loss. I thought this was gamethrowing and against the rules. Mods made an announcement like “yeah it’s probably throwing but we’re not doing shit about it”.

I pivoted to saying that it in fact makes me feel very bad and was not “nice” to do (as their motivation for handing a win to a 3P probably was), because it did, they literally were tossing away my ability to play the game & my chances at winning for a player who wasn’t even on their team, and that it made me uncomfortable to have to “be the bad guy” by choosing to play to my win condition, and then the mods made another announcement like “stop discussing the Niceness of this in-game action, feel free to talk about it in practical terms of EV and deals and shit” which is like fair enough because that’s an endless pit of an argument.

So I instead argued that we should not be obligated to give the win to the 3P because they misplayed (which they did), and that we should instead vote for the person who literally claimed wolf. The person who literally claimed wolf got upset at me for this and said I was making them uncomfortable, and asked me to “maybe talk about who is suspicious or future votes or my favourite flavour of ice cream”, to which I was like “you are weaponising discomfort to get me to stop talking about voting you”, and then they asked for a sub publicly and left the server and the mod ended the day early on a different confirmed VT’s execution (them dying also gave the 3P the win).

And then I got lectured for 2 hours straight by the host over how it was my fault for “continuing to push the discussion when everyone was clearly uncomfortable with it”, with “everyone” being this one person who left the server (and who just flipped wolf), and “it” being a conversation that the mods’ announcement explicitly stated was allowed. Which is bullshit. And then I got into another conversation with a mod who said the unempathetic thing. The end


I am svared when may walk posts

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You should see how much I said to the different mod that I was reporting this shit to in DMs


Average May expression of emotion

i don’t think i could ever actually review a setup. i have trauma from being in the trenches of rolling scum in some townsided games so i will look a town mech and think hmm that could be unfair to the mafia and also the mafia really needs some more tools. and now your rolemadness is heavily scumsided


wait until you find twitter

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Wrong one


classicsmaf simultaneously revealed one person’s broken sense of balance while also shifting mine to the opposite end


see this is why i joined the team in the first place i didnt want anyone to have to go through didney worl again

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when I joined the review team I legit had no idea how to review anything beyond, like, basic open/semiopen setups. the first time I reviewed a closed setup I was pretty sure it was unbalanced but I ended up asking for help to make sure my intuition was correct. it was 11v9 at rand with multiple nontown kills per night.

our standards for who can join the review team have gotten marginally higher since then but I think y’all are self-selecting yourselves out of something you’re plausibly qualified for

the worst we can do is say no



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when the game began there would be 11 town 9 non-town I don’t see what’s confusing

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idk ask Wazza


i’ve played 20v10v10 and the only reason i remember it fondly is because i was one of the 10