Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

this is a May post


how can you do that without yanking with your hands in your mouth?

one day I will distill Maycore essence and find what makes a post May

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you just move your jaw forward?

it doesn’t go very far but like

Not sure. I mean exhilaration mainly. Stress and athletic highs

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I cant do that wtf you mean move it forward

Oh yea, so the full panic crunch time would prob appeal

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move your lower row of teeth in front of your higher row

Mafia is stress for me

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On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you physically train

Zug can you win best scum player this year so you can meme with us

I literally cant fully

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Someone you’re in the running too. Anybody could do it

Nya nya nya

Yeah mafia stress is awesome. I just can’t afford the time investment


Best Scum Player is an inherently funny award to get, maybe even the funniest

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whats the meme

That is the bad kind of stress, May! You’re worried about people’s opinions not being convergent with yours and you might even get killed!

it is possible my jaw moves a bit further idk

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