Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i love weezer.

im not like the others ill be like a brother i will protect you never disrespect you but if you need love i’ll be here to sex you

thank u weezer

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My blog is in LORA

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what does this mean i assume you are not talking about low rank adaptations

It’s a good font

Look at this post. It’s “i’m just small potatoes. i’m not that importance”, rendered in the great & powerful font of LORA

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I suppose you could also call it couples quarrel, that might be the more proper title

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me n my bf were looking at my dash (which is, for the record, just your blog with a bunch of furry art mixed in because I only follow you and furry artists) and both did not get the post. do u mind explaining.

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I tried for a solid 30 seconds to understnad

It just kind of sounds good

also imho the best way to consume May


oh i’m just small potatoes. i’m not that importance.


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wrong image

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Like. It’s not a post to get. It is just a post that sits in your mind, and if you allow it to sit there, it will keep you company.

It’s like a normal interaction. It is a simple couples quarrel, as the post title put it. But the wording is slightly off. “oh i’m just small potatoes. i’m not that importance”. It makes you think.

Let me find “try something difference” as well

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goes hard even if starbucks hot chocolate is kinda mid

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im not drinking hot chocolate in 2024

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