Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I should be Admired. I’m so admirable



I considered bribing people to like my post to get Good Reply but it seemed dishonorable

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I did strongarm Story into liking it before we started dating but she liked the original post it was quoting so that was entirely reasonable of me

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your real strategy is to talk about the post so people go like it (and it’s working)

It’s a good post. If you didn’t go like it I was gonna ask you to

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I think it’s funny that my most liked post is a quote. Of My Self

do you think you get a better average like count in wolfgames

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No bribery but a polite request



… do you pull likes?

unfortunately i can’t access this :sob:

my most liked post was made by you but you didnt want it


I tried to take back custody but it was too late

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How is that your most liked post

People love posts with an element of romance to them, I guess. It’s like movies. It adds intrigue

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i mean it was kind of a banger post

but also i didnt think it was my #1 until i checked just now i thought my #1 was still me leaving the site but i guess bullying orange/litten is superior to bullying me in this economy

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My second-most liked post is an actual positive contribution to the site. That’s fucked up we need to fix this

It’s a two for the price of one kind of bullying… there’s simply a larger volume of bullied users


Which quote are we talking agoutn