Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

self vote and ate however


(The following paragraphs are mostly me talking to myself and not so much a response to your thing)

I think having a bit of an ego is key to accurate self-perception. If you deserve an award you deserve an award. To pretend otherwise would be inaccurate. Incorrect.

I used to be vocally self-deprecating all the time, even when I didn’t really… believe myself on it, because that’s what other people around me did and I assumed that was the standard and therefore correct way to act. It’s not! Especially online, people are self-deprecating to the point of being self-defeating. It holds you back!

Humility is necessary only when your ego gets in the way of accuracy! Excessive humility is just as bad as excessive ego at making you Wrong About Yourself. And if you’re wrong about yourself, you’ll make inaccurate and inefficient decisions, and make yourself and others worse off overall.

Like, if you get into a fight with someone and tell yourself and tell others “it was all my fault”, then the other person in the interaction doesn’t think about how they might have been to blame, and is therefore deprived of the ability to learn from their mistakes. If you underestimate your own skill in mafia, you’ll hold back your wolfteam’s plans. If you see yourself as an unlikeable person with no friends, you’ll pull yourself back from people who like you and consider you a friend, and upset them by it. I hate gay people and am extremely homophobic. Everyone who likes this post agrees.

I found myself doing a lot better and being a lot happier when I started checking myself on it, y’know? Trying to look at things from an outside perspective. “If I were evaluating someone else, would I think they deserve this award?” If I think the answer is yes, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with voting for yourself on it. If I wouldn’t criticise someone else or hold someone else to fault over an action, if I think they’d be right to take it, then there’s no point in blaming myself. (Of course, this also means evaluating your perception of others to make sure it’s accurate as well.)

I still definitely act with, like, excessive self-blame after mafia games if I’m in a bad mood, but that’s just tilt. I don’t believe myself when I talk, it’s coping. In the same way someone might go “this wasn’t my fault at all and I played perfectly” because they’re mad they lost, I’ll go “this was 100% my fault and preventable”.

Also unrelatedly I had a dream I took a driving test and fucked it up so bad I had to activate the car’s secret self-destruct mechanism by turning the steering wheel in a specific way and pressing down both pedals. It exploded


Eliza The Psycho you did not read that post.


chat, i love beating pokemon to death with a baseball bat!!! murder is fun!!!


what the hell

good morning


she could feel it. in her bones

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thanks for reading it for me



Unfortunately I cannot un-like it

somehow that completely did not register in the way it was meant for me i thought may was making a joke about some past experience


arceus forgive me for i have, am, and will continue sinning

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does freeing a handful of prisoners justify the murder of hundreds

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this game makes me sound as unhinged as italy is


Palworld is seriously like a kitchen sink of games

WoW… Ark… Pokemon… Zelda…

I respect their lack of fear over a DMCA takedown


i havent played ARK and have basically never played WoW but from what i can tell its more like ARK + P:LA (the open world pokemon game) than zelda/wow

but yeah afaik its basically just dodging the nintendo hammer narrowly and the game actually goes hard lmao

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Bad Reply




It’s not just me!!


Homophobia is very popular opinion on the fortitude of lying… shoutout to homophobia