Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

im somehow not bored of tos2 and wow can it get repetitive so

just be unbored

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If I die before thirty it’s from not eating and my body dying because of it

game I beg

I do not want to be apocalypse stop making me TT whenever I roll town

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To understand why I don’t touch drugs you have to understand my family is completely dysfunctional

My dad does a lot of drugs and has been in and out of jail most of his life, now he has heart and lungs problems and he’s barely getting by with my grandfather having to support him

My mother has been in multiple cults, has had people threaten and try to kill her, likely suffers from multiple diseases and probably does a lot of drugs too

I don’t think you will ever see me touch drugs

also i lucked the fuck out in instantclaiming recluse (because it was 7p default 0 outsiders, i couldn’t cover up that baron was in play, and i wanted to cover up the existence of a drunk if there was one) because the investigator outed their ping on me shortly afterwards

whenever undertaker is mentioned i think of Hell in a Cell D6

go sulit

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that player went from undertaker in f3 heroically defeating the demon with my help to “undertaker” in f3 heroically defeating the good team with my help


I can’t get over the chefs with zeros

Can you give a drunk chef zeros for the rest of their life

It’s been a long day

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The fact that it was you is SO worse

i don’t know why they implied they “kept getting zeros” i think they just misunderstood or misspoke

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No it wasn’t me I just thought the “zeroes” was worse than going “uhhhhhhhhhhhhh” when asked what the D1 execution’s role was

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That’s such a may thing

I’m blaming myself for something I didn’t do again

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That’s also such a May thing

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it’s okay i’m still blaming myself for not telling the demon the d1 execution’s role