Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I nya’d like
five times more than normal today

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Nya nya nya nya nya

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I’m actually becoming a cat this is lore

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Haipai shanten is how good your initial draw is. Pure luck. Lower is better. I’m 92.60th percentile for having shitty luck

haceuee vision trans pride flag

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may’s complaining about the lived experience of a colorblind teammate huh? it’s almost like she’s generally-

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may has lost color privilege

many people are saying this


On one hand it’s questionable to be constantly talking about this given there’s overlap between communities whatever whatever etc etc et al. On the other hand You think that way because you are generally unempathetic.

okay but a mod being inactive for 24+ hours seems like. not the best mod in the world

neither does “almost as autistic as you” or “generally unempathetic” i’m starting to think nintendo loop just has shitty mods

I only messaged them with the actual wallpost like a couple hours ago & it was long and I explicitly said like. Take your time come back to it later. They’ve not been inactive for 24hrs

speaking of being the best mod in the world


hey may

Also “almost as autistic as you” was just a game host who took it upon themselves to lecture me about what they saw as my Unacceptable Behaviour rather than taking it to, the server moderators. That was the main problem there



I’m part of the site background now

May has Died. RIP.

in memorial

may “may” may