Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i need you dead

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or alive

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microwave aluminum foil in your tea

they should make a bus with a carpeted floor

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they should make a car with 4 wheels


If my grandma would have wheels, she would be a monster truck


oh is this where the Palworld discussion was happening

super fun game would recommend

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i dont really care about the gameplay but my god… incineram… these people get it

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maribwil tumblr exclusive


…bruh wtf



the only exposure i have had to palworld is someone getting vaporized by a chicken firing a giant laser and this


but someone described it to me as pokemon rimworld

basically you just mash up Breath of the Wild, Anthem, Ark, and Pokemon

but it is well worth the under $30 USD

if you like any of those (or Genshin Impact, probably, lol) it’s worth giving a shot imo

for Early Access it’s incredibly polished and although it’s far from perfect (I can expand on my gripes with the game if anybody cares) at its core it’s very clear that what the devs were trying to do was to make a game that was first and foremost fun to play

and boy is it

especially in the current landscape, it’s honestly just a breath of fresh air to have a game launch that

  • launched in “Early Access” but feels pretty damn complete and is less of a mess than many full launches have been
  • has zero microtransactions - no battlepass, no paid skins, no upgrades, no “time-savers”
  • is designed with basically seamless multiplayer integration, with dedicated servers from day 1 and being incredibly easy to hop into with friends (the only point against this is that there isn’t cross-play between Xbox/Game Pass and Steam just yet, but that’s on the roadmap)
  • despite that, is in no way less fun solo - unlike many games marketed as “live service” it is not only possible to play solo offline, but the game is designed such that it is just as valid to play by yourself as it is with your friends
  • has a roadmap that prioritizes fixing what bugs do exist above shoving in new content when the game isn’t ready

frankly it’s just a good game and I’m glad to see it doing so well after years of feeling like I was the only person who cared about it lmao

and yeah much like Katze I have never played Ark (game never interested me whatsoever) so I can’t speak to any similarities that may exist there but I definitely would not consider it to be the case that if you didn’t play/like Ark you won’t like Palworld

yeah you would

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okay but consider: what if you want to play a game that is good and isn’t just emptily apeing stuff that people like
much to cosnider

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