Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

What is Starspawn?
Also what is Oracle?

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See this post

this sounds perfectly balanced

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id tell you what its like in practice but it never fucking rands I stg

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thats a lie it randed the last game I played

the problem was that it wasn’t town lmao

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Wtf is this abomination


it’s uhh

it’s a role alright

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you dont see it outside of one gamemode

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actually i dont think im like that anymore. i was coz i was terrified. but im not that scared anymore i think. i think i can handle myself in a conflict, i have some more confidence and self-esteem, i wouldnt just automatically fold every confrontation

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add it to your mafia game

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the mod did the best change to it and gave it NK wincon, then made it not swap alignment

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Okay and I’ll make you rand it

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the power to make someone instantly probably lose the game is kinda based, ill take it

except im retired

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Should I add neutral roles to the game?

I don’t really want any of the ToS or ToS2 ones in my game but I could make my own

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(u dont mind me bros talk about ur stuff im just in the mood to monologue i rarely monologue)

i dont think im naturally good at socializing. i think i do it well online, i can do it well irl too if i can get rid of my inhibitions (feel comfy or get drunk). i attribute it entirely to mimicking people that ive seen perform well. i dont know if everyone mimicks people or does it come naturally for people. for me i think its entirely mimicked. if i dont have anyone to copycat id struggle to function im pretty sure. coz i did, i tried to do it naturally and it was a mega fail. i was also able to draw extremely well but only by reference. my own imagination couldnt visualize anything, it was a struggle. but if i had reference i copied it extremely well. i am the copycat. nya.

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neuts out

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I mean, I’m also quite small and hide my face all the time and don’t make eye contact and cry as soon as I get even a bit stressed (because even mild stress gives me terrible headaches, which Hurt). I think it’s in part not having to deal with those uncontrollable pieces of presentation that make me comfortable being more, like, vulnerable personality-wise online.


You’ve heard my voice. Once. If you sounded like that all the time you’d try to assert your superiority over everyone all the time as well

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