There is one more issue to consider. With luck, at some point I’ll find
an actual girlfriend. Since I don’t want to be unfaithful, I’ll have to break
up with my possible girlfriend if I want to enter into an actual relation-
ship. One might criticize me for this. My possible girlfriend is spending
eons of her life singing about me and my world! Isn’t it heartless to break
up with someone who has so much invested in a relationship?
This is not as big a problem as it seems. Since all the facts about my
doings will be in my possible girlfriend’s song – they’re ways that my
world differs from hers – the fact that I’m destined to break up with her
will be something she knows from the outset. She could’ve chosen a more
permanent boyfriend from among my counterparts. It’s mysterious why
she still chose me. But actual girls are mysterious to me in many ways,
and there’s no reason why possible girls would be any different.
truly fascinating viewpoint into the mind of neil sinhababu