Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

are you ok

It’s fine to do surgery on your self

This is a stupid hand but I’m the dealer so I can legally kill a human being without consequences

congrats on getting litterally nothing

I can’t get over how stupid that stance is

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There were 2 honba and several riichi sticks on the board it brought me first

Not that you probably know how honba work because I didn’t for ages

oh ok i guess that makes more sense then

@May bro this dragon event is terrible

I dont know what youre talking about it has mochi boobs lady

That stance is like “how uncomfortable can I make it be to stand”

She’s so bad at standing

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Does she wear a fucking mirror on her head

All the Mahjong Soul events kinda suck ass but you get to play mahjong between them

It’s a 1p

I dunno what that is


See the tiles in the corner. It’s not that much of a 1p but it’s kind of a 1p. Also yes a mirror

Is that the trans flag

Kaguyahime is transfendwer