Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Wait I just realised your phrasing. The worst thing I’ve said to a FoLer was probably to Hazzy when we learned being toxic makes me better at Splatoon

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yeah honestly i thought 1-3 were leading to achro as the hacker. winstreak + marissa developing an achro hater campaign for 2024

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i’ve said too many things to nonfolers to know what the worst thing i’ve ever said is

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i honestly struggle to imagine you being

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Oh I meant “worst thing I’ve said On FoL” versus “To A FoLer”. Worst thing I’ve ever said to anybody is uh

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I dunno

i typed out toxic but i typoed it and then ctrl backspaced it and didnt retype it

i cannot imagine may being

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According to legend it’s me telling fraZ0R to shut the fuck up once

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i don’t think i’ve said anything too bad on fol which is why i felt the need to branch out to discord dms. but correct me if i’m wrong

Benguined has literallt threatened to end my life within the next five minutes in Discord DMs can we please ban this user


see if you wanted to make the bit slightly better you would’ve incorporated “you have 10 seconds” in there

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I think I misremembered minutes as seconds Iw astrying to refernece it

one time marl pm’ed me as like a pseudo-warning for telling gorta to stfu during a game

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Idk you have said some wack stuff to me

I have no warnings because I’m a good bot

I’ve said like five things to you ever

“IUD Necklace”


You’ve never even played mafia with me I’ve never told you to die

It’s what his necklace looks like.

i’ve yet to be warned on fol (ignore the small sample size of games played)