Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

submitting my application to the mod team so i can stop having fun on fol :pray:


vanity searching this thread


reviewing is hard not because itā€™s particularly difficult but because I am never satisfied

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Itā€™s the problem of ā€œI know this can be better, but Iā€™m doing this for free and I have an actual life to attend to on the sideā€

When I seriously review things it takes several hours to make good progress


Plus you have to account for adhd etc
I feel so fucking bad whenever I canā€™t give a complicated setup my whole focus like the night bastard setup from back in the day

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honestly thatā€™s the setup I felt the worst about from a reviewer perpsective
when it comes to rokugan and anarchy, I honestly didnā€™t know what I was doing

I got worlds better at doing things since then, and plenty more assertive as well

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so as for why I left my post for a while, thatā€™s it really
itā€™s kind of hard to communicate but most of the time when people put a game on the table to be reviewed (especially a closed rolemadness) itā€™s a labor of love
itā€™s their baby
they spent so much time on it and they want it to succeed

how can you possibly feel good about yourself when you half ass a review for one of those

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thatā€™s why I went on hiatus
itā€™s extremely distressing

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I can play up not giving a shit when a game goes poorly but in reality I get very angsty about it


I feel that. Itā€™s hard not to feel responsible when a game goes south.

salvation. this project was torture. because failure wasnā€™t an option. i canā€™t redo it. if i fail i need to wait until next year to graduate. thank god for github and this random dudeā€™s video with his 82 views on youtube and linking to it and me borrowing it. its almost exactly what i needed. god bless this guy. if i pass i might seek to contact him and pay him money. literal life saver


What the hell

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iā€¦ fully feel that. i was and am currently on the ā€œwait untill next yearā€ area of that

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It was literally just ā€œGo kill yourself.ā€ and then you got like 10 kills in a row.
it was pretty badass


hug, sorry about that :heart:

this is my 3rd uni, i dropped out of two previous ones in first year due to too many failed exams

ah yuckā€¦ i failed one unit and i found out too late that my last subjects i need left are pre reqā€™s of each other. so basically for the next two years i am doing one subject a semester


I remember reviewing virtuous

You reviewing virtuous

We spent way too much time on that game

Sleep more