Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Naw you aint finding me

im to sneaky

America is in its emo phase

may wolfed with you that one time they know your secrets

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I think usually the transfer of secrets in wolfchat is in the other direction

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Everybody who wolfs with me knows My secrets


I remember my first wolfgame Lemon and I were wolfing together and IMO the biggest fucking tell we were partnered wasn’t htat we were listing each other as top town all game. It was that we suddenly seemed to share in-jokes that were referenced in thread. We couldn’t help ourselves


wasn’t that the game where you looked at your rolecard


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That was the game where Arctic made a very embarrassing post the day before F5 where he said the only thing he was willing to take as a given was that Lemon and I were town, and that he was confident in this. He proceeded to get us exploded the next day. Badly. And then Vulgard won vs me in F3. Traumatising



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We had basically the perfect wolfgame, we were top 2 town right up until ExLo, and then it all fell apart suddenly and without clear source. So I convinced myself that clearly I hadn’t done well enough, and that I simply had to be even more top town every game afterward. Which resulted in me panicking every time anyone even slightly shaded me, because oh god, if even Pathologic wasn’t good enough, surely I must lose this game if somebody suspects me.


Being the top town is dangerous with competent towns

I would say with competent towns that’s game throwing to be top town


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It’s true
I’ve seen so many wolves being town read and getting their ass handed to them in lylo

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Really I think the game was just lost on picking bad executions + nightkills, rather than our towniness or lack thereof. But I didn’t see that then. Well, I mean, I did, but the irrational perfectionist machinations of my brain did not. If I had swapped my vote the day before ExLo to take out… was it Kanave instead of Eliza? If I’d done that, we’dve been golden, I was setting up to push an Eliza/Vulgard team in F5.

And even if we’d not done that, we should’ve been less afraid to poison strong players (it was a poison game), and we should’ve used our fake poison at least once.

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It being a poison game complicated things a lot. A 36/12 poison game, too, so we only had 12 hours to pick our targets, and our sleep schedules overlapped such that Lemon went to bed at EoD and I woke up at SoD, so we, like, only had a little time together to talk about it.

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you could talk before the day ends

We could, and to some extent we did, but it’s more useful to talk about your kills when you have, like, people’s EoD reads and the execution into account, especially in a poison game where your target’s gonna be alive for a day.