Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I’m not sure if it’s a her specific problem or it affects a slightly larger amount of people but people like her get overly attached to whoever they speak to so long as you listen to them

We were playing a big brother game and she compared the person she’s now dating (they started dating after the game) to a dog who could be easily controlled to me. Of course I used this to also evict them in the game by confiding in the other player but my impression of the person they are now dating was pretty much the same as x

but also I think x just has a larger problem where they get overly attached to people they talk to, she confused my adhd with interest in her at one point and talking with her made me deeply uncomfortable because of the fact that I could easily see how manipulatable she is

X = 18 year old

And then this person came to me like multiple times after and during the big brother game even after they got evicted about their love life

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don’t tell people you don’t know well your love life they don’t wanna hear it

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Wait a random person you barely knew said all that?

bru why :ghost:

She was high as fuck and I listened to her problems and she grew attached to me

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Me listening to your problems was a social move I do not like being burdened with other peoples problems I’m not that nice of a guy

The litten pr team would like to correct this statement and say that originally I was fine with listening to their problems but there’s only so many hours you can converse with me before I get fed up

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have i hit that limit litten

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no you spent 0/100 hours

It takes a while to get me fed up

i think people just know not to vent to me

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I am the worst person in the world to vent to I just say yea


i might be worse

people can vent to me and I’ll care and try to offer solutions
but uh
do not keep venting to me about the same problem constantly offering updates about how your love life is going

If I respond at all

This was a slow burn over the course of talking with this person

i haven’t been vented to in a long time if at all so i don’t know for sure how i’d respond. but it would probably be not really knowing what to do or say

I haven’t had anything to vent about recently

one time i vented to someone but then someone else walked in the room right as i killed them and i got voted out


Also why the fuck would you date a 15 year old. I cannot imagine dating someone who can’t fight back. What is in it for you

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