Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Thanksgiving is always my favorite meal of the year

My cousinā€™s mom is a super busy and rich pharmacist but also the best cook I know

Christmas Eve is just thanksgiving but Christmas is tommorow

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I make the cranberry sauce though. With mango, golden raisins, and dried appricots added in

The highlight last year was some roasted mini potatoes with this creamy chive sauce that perfectly emulated the flavor of sour creaam/onion pringles

The dark meat with stuffing and gravy and cornbread lol thatā€™s always good though

Donā€™t usually have a special meal for christmas since Iā€™m jewish

I could never tell if itā€™s an L for Jewish holidays tbh because you guys technically have more holidays but you donā€™t have christmas

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I have to contact my old school to get my immunization records transferred over luckily i should be able to print the form from the office at work monday though so i donā€™t have to go to fedex

Also Christmas is barely christen we donā€™t even know if Jesus was born on the 25th, the main guy, Santa Claus, has barely anything to do with Christianity, and the three wise men gave their gifts in January

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Lighting the menorah is a lot of fun. I enjoy putting on a suit and talis when I have time to attend shabbat services on some saturdays. And breaking the fast after yom kippur is so satisfying. Went to this place called velvet taco with my uncle after we got out last year ā€“ so so delicious especially after not eating for 31 hours. So thatā€™s worth the loss of christmas for me

I do like a lot of those animated Christmas movies. Especially the one with the snow meister

Beats what Islam does

Hint: They fast


Yeah i couldnā€™t do ramadan. I have to give up cardio just for yom kippur or Iā€™m at serious risk of passing out. No way could i endure a whole month without running

They can eat only after sunset


I know. Which would be fine if i were on overnight shift because then most of my waking hours are sunless, but if not, it would heavily restrict my cardio

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Iā€™m think about fasting for lent this year tbh

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Itā€™s annoying for our business that valentineā€™s day is ash wednesday, but itā€™s our fish season at the moment so weā€™ll still sell a lot of fish, chicken, and shrimp

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Fasting is fun. Everyone should try it at least once imho

Yeah but the main problem itā€™s fish because back in 1st century that was cheap and meat was expensive, now itā€™s the other way around.