Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Not even worst in a silly way it was just actively bad

oh iā€™ve played quizbowlcord games like that!

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It is a miracle people still join his games with how many times heā€™s failed as a designer

honestly i totally forgot there was a real (unofficial) botc discord server

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bold of you to say this as someone complicit with all my setups

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just a week ago we were reminiscing about one where town was in the minority to start, the town vig wasnā€™t told they were a strongman and shot the jailkeeper claim (mafia) to test them, phase changes regularly lasted for the better part of a week (i multitabled a different game which started and died n2 in the span of a single phase change), there was a role who was told they were the cop but muted their target and was told their action failed every time, and a 3p faction won by answering a trivia question

Okay you can make the argument that it wasnā€™t mafia because it was clocktower BUT

it was an all amnesiacs game with the framework of everything clocktower
Except you didnā€™t win by killing the demon or reaching F2
You won by getting more points than the other team
Points were handed out according to a bunch of arbitrary tasks that had no relevance to solving the game

Basically it was just a massive dupe

This wasnā€™t even like. Announced pregame btw

i think the setup just goes from bad to evil if you join with full knowledge that the host intends to torture you in the most creative ways they can find

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oh youā€™ve mentioned that one

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wait was this a besjbo game or

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This was a tapir game
I donā€™t think it ever ran on botcu

iā€™m not surprised that botc got the social deduction equivalent of power creep where shit just cascades into mechanical insanity

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Besjbo games are pretty bad if you sign up as a mythic because he treats them like fabled and not players

Italy you did see town of salem tax reports right

what ā€¦ is a mythic

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