Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


reminds me of a copypasta

So today, for the first time, my little toddler finally counted to ten. Everyone was celebrating, saying how proud they are in my kid, and then Ben Shapiro kicks open the door. “Oh you think it’s impressive that they can count to ten? I can count to one million.” and then proceeded, in my living room for the next two weeks, to count to one million. He then said “yep, another lib destroyed” and then curbstomped my kid.


that open mouth is what you are right now
that coprse is what i want you to be right now

Lemao what a pussy absolutely
One bad day at work and you just push a kid off a swing?
My lower back was an inferno 24/7 for over a year but i still endured life like a normal person



Question 2: Is it possible for an action to be morally wrong solely because people find the idea of it a bit disgusting? For example, if lots of people found the idea of eating porridge disgusting, could it be morally wrong to eat porridge just for this reason and no other reason?


hot take: no

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i am sorry but only cats can be involved in schroedinger’s question

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is this leading to where i think it is

also NO

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Not really.

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i was thinking it would be about homophobia


that being said, if you believe morality is subjective, yes is probably closer to the truth if only because of arbitrariness. but no objective standards of morality can punish ideas that are a bit disgusting

it’s difficult for something to be morally reprehensible for something that affects you and only you

The answer is no and I fucking hate when people imply otherwise and I will kill them all badly


my sister hates the smell of bananas and i consider it morally correct to regularly eat bananas in her presence

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Popular opinion is usually nonsensical to me
There is no reason jaywalking should be illegal if you’re fast and assertive enough

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oh fuck that

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Question 3: Can an action be morally wrong if the only person (or people) harmed by it is the person (or people) undertaking the action? For example, could it be morally wrong to smoke if it is true that nobody except the smoker is harmed? (There are two things you should bear in mind here. First, if you respond “No” it will also be assumed that you do not think an action can be morally wrong if nobody at all is harmed by it. Second, for the purposes of this activity, you should assume that every action that aims at doing harm, or which carries the reasonable expectation of causing harm, actually causes harm; in other words, don’t answer ‘Yes’ just because you think the assassin who fails in an attempt to kill her target - and thereby causes no actual harm - has nevertheless behaved immorally).


it depends if you eat porridge infront of other people or not, the amount of the population that thinks its disgusting, the reasoning behind eating the porridge (which is just to because people thing its disgusting)
doing things that displeases others solely to displease others with no gain is morally bad, i think

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