Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

im gonna be super pissed if there was drugs in that thing and im not just super tired

narrator: it would not drop in quality


I’ve got to disagree on that one orange

like I think there’s exactly one arc I think is outright weak and you’re nowhere near it, and I think the strongest part of worm is in the relatively near future


okay bad news i think there was something in it good news im fine ive.never felt so seird

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fucking assholes
i think weed is the most rational explaination
apologies for getting worked up

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No need for apologies, just rest up and hopefully feel better

but don’t sleep for more than two hours, lest you hit REM

who started that bit anyway

I had this happen to me in a game I subbed into. I subbed into a town slot.

me being confusion

@Chloe am I actually disallowed from using mtg as my pfp?

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Oh damn, I wanted to use the Black Lotus pfp next

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God you look so weird as cowboy rivers cuomo

I’d prefer if you didn’t have a political figure as your pfp yeah (and especially mtg cuz i hate her guts) but i won’t stop you unless it causes problems


Too iconic again…


Yesss the pretty woman again :heart_eyes:


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I used to think MTG’s brain and mind were the worst things about her, but then someone sent me a high definition picture of her veneers and I wanted to die.


I’ve got to write this essay about gender in No Country for Old Men, and god I do not like how this is going so far

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me writing any essay


I wish it was more of a freeform essay, instead my professor is making us apply 4 different papers about gender all in this one essay. So instead of writing about things I found interesting in the film and how I view gender, its just searching through the film for examples that fit these boring topics.

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