Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

My college is at my state’s capital. We have a group that acts as a go between our state congress and the students here looking to get into politics. So I’m not sure how you could get into your own state politics, but I do know a lot of states post about these things on their own dot gov websites.

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yeah that tracks
I’ll see what I can do

I feel The Dread with this election but don’t want to sit in silence about it

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@lilith im unironically addicted to listening to creep by radiohead i listen to it multiple times every day. its entirely your fault because you forced me to cover it and i wasnt allowed to say no. fuck you


Is this kareniverse lore

I’m not a great volunteer, since I don’t feel that I’m an asset in canvassing or some of the social events. Although in my local group I organize paperwork/tracking volunteer hour sheets, edit mailing letters, and I help out with making sure all the canvassing groups have their grab bags ready to go.

Often times it can feel like menial labor, but I’d rather feel a part of it than do nothing.

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'm pretty sure somebody gave me an edible without telling me it was an edible, either by omission, stupidity, or them not being told

i absolutely hate marijuana

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and it was a lot

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wait until you discover good music


I can’t wait to discover good music

why so many peeps online at this time?

I thought I was the only weirdo

Scientists hate him: [Timezones]

everyone here rn is eu

and frankly im only awake rn so i can get my birds up for the morning id much rather stay in bed

its 3 am for me

honorary eu

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im not european just a disaster

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honorary disaster

happy meow meow day everyone

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Happy meow meow day to you too!!!

I want to play video game for 2 weeks straight, but I have to finish 2 papers and this other thing in the next 4 days beforehand
