@Litten you tried it like a good kitten? how did it taste? you didnt wet your whiskers did you?
I don’t remember how it tasted it was good
i know way more people whos lives have been negatively impacted by alcohol but when your family is 1/2 irish catholic and 1/2 descendants of moonshiners im not a good representative sample
i still think marijuna usage is typically bad usually especially because ppl will use daily and go through school/work life as zombies
i also think it has reasonable medical uses
what does it taste like
bc the reason ive ben hesitant to try it is bc i dont like tea at all and ik chai tea is a thing
no its good. i like my weight atm
“You’re like somebody who comes in half-way through a story and disturbs the rest of the audience by asking questions” SO real Daiyu thank you
get chai tea latte
latte most important part
Cardamom. Cinnamon. Uhhhh. Other things of that sort
ok but like i don’t like tea. i hate the flavor of tea. no matter th kind of tea
Latte important if you don’t like tea yes
Ok now im kinda sold
I also hate tea
of the people I know who take marijuana for medical reasons, the vast majority of those I am not convinced are not primarily basically using it as an excuse to get it legally
i also cant chime in on weed vs booze because weed is highly illegal here and everyone who smokes is a junkie basically, or in a bad company, or in a wannabee “cool” company
booze … one guy in 10th or 11th grade was drunk driving and crashed his car and killed his classmate who was sitting next to him
a few people i know have went to hospitals due to drunken brawls
They have a poetry club and all they do in the poetry club is assign each other penalties for not attending the poetry club
Or for writing bad poetry (usually it’s Baoyu getting these)
i agree that most medical marijuana is just an excuse to use recreationally
doesnt change my point
yeah no I buy that it shouldn’t be entirely off limits for medical care
I mean, hell, we overused the shit out of opiods for medical purposes
but it’s definitely wild to me that a majority of people support fully legalizing it in general
do not get it at all
I’ve been lied to there’s no Starbucks rn