Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

probably not

Coatl have paws

I think I will want to reset and get a new account

I want to do the account setup right

give may his money back first

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Uhhh that’s technically against the rules unless you get banned

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may you can have your money back

What the fuck!

…so its not against the rules if you do get banned

Why don’t they allow resetting the accounts theb

Because they’re bitches

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Will the admins find me

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People who want to reset usually have to intentionally get banned

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Oh? All I do is have to get banned?

Probably not given you haven’t done much with your account

That’s right. All you have to do is get banned

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What’s the fastest way to get banned

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If you don’t send anything between the accounts they probably won’t catch you

IDK. The ironic thing is that mos tpeople just make additional accounts to get them all banned

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Again you’re probably fine if you don’t send anything between them

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