Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

good. more foes.



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@May why do you have less followers than Marissa? Loser bisexual girl. Why don’t you have more? Are you ever going to succeed in anything?

may only likes women

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and whatever the hell lilith is
which isn’t a male

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People can have the wildest opinions but thankfully they dont work in teaching or math or programming so they dont cause damage to society :person_facepalming:

i’m pretty sure may has stated on the record that he likes men but only if he’s perceiving himself as a man (or something to that effect)


Why is pigeon water

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cannot understate that not only is there exactly one picker of the option that 0 is strictly negative, there is also exactly one picker of the option in my other related poll saying that 0 and -0 refer to the same thing while +0 is ontologically distinct. i can only assume they’re from the same person. they fascinate me

That’s wrong!

thanks silviu

hey is there any weapon types im forgetting

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what are the poll results

from what I’ve seen ~everyone considers 0 neither positive or negative
and uses positive to mean >0, and nonnegative to mean >=0
except one of my CS professors, who considered “strictly positive” to mean >0, and “positive” to mean >= 0

one of them got significantly more spread than the other (also neither is done yet so i’ll spoil on the offchance you care about that)

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this might be a CS thing thbthtbthbthbthtb

zug aren’t you american


what time is it