Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

marissa you know you could just drink straight olive oil if you need more calories


this is what american math classes prepared us to do

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better yet, Radiohead Olive Oil

I’m watching Game of Thrones and Tyrion is the probably one of the only sane people on the Lannister side

or for a vegetarian option


neither of those things are made By Radiohead

I would trust any radiohead olive oil to be extra virgin


Johny Greenwood lives in italy in his spare time making olive oil and its the funniest fucking thing


oh just send the address ill start driving

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yesterday i turned on my tv and the chase was on and the question had one of its answers as radiohead and i knew everything would be okay

420 Your Mom Drive

My inability to gain weight I think stems less from metabolism and more from appetite loss? So sad no cure

food Calories (capital C) are 1000 heat calories (lowercase c) why is science like this always

i think there is a cure

Yet another issue solved by greenwood olive oil May

Lmaoooooooour so funny i love you :heart:

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something something if you represent your intake in heat calories you can just lie to people

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I get, like, bored of foods, and “bored to the point of getting physically ill if I try to eat them” kind of bored, way before I physically have to stop eating. And this doesn’t change at all if I’m hungry. If anything it gets worse

how long do yall think itll take for tutuu to get banned I give it like a month

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