Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

what is your username

I don’t remember that either

This is the plot of ace attorney 1

I’ve been told by people irl that I should stop saying that I am a monkey oo oo ah ah in public spaces because ‘it will get me canceled’


it’s not

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get canceled

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I just like monkey


I can’t actually check anymore without digging up a super old alt because I’m banned from the fm side of the site and cant view it and they made all the boards private for non users

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I’m trying to find docs from my cultural stidies classes but have nothing on my phone and i’m too lazy to type paragraphs rn
I do remember a nyt? BBC? article about implicit bias thats a very good read which I can find when I get home


we jail every racist person but one but gaslight him into thinking he’s crazy as we trol him constantly in life

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I like acting like a monkey too i told sabi in fam4 spec chat that i am like tarzan i can go wild monkey mode coz sabi called me freaky and nbowie asked me to stop. Nbowie is Blue's Clues too much twitter

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yeah like there’s a difference between politically charged language and language that indicates you throw projectile feces at people who try to invade your territory



nvm we’re in

your statement is both too blanketed and im not quite sure any bias is actually racial, rather than how theyve observed other people

if we wanna be a massive nerd about it i can just say blind people
but i dont think people would subconciously recongize, automatically, that people have a different colour to them and then immediately stick bias to them, especially specific ones


The only difference between me saying I’m a furry and saying that I’m a monkey is that one has other connotations


To be clear I’m both but that distracts from the issue


I mean some people’s definitions of racism on “the left” can be to the point where I would argue it’s no longer even a useful term

see the earlier discussion with eliza re:people who are genuinely just not informed about things they have never seen before (the natural state of being)

I would make a strong argument that people who just genuinely do not know better are in fact not exhibiting any kind of phobia or ism purely due to a lack of knowledge (or even having been outright misinformed), but some people would do that

I think it’s silly at best and actively harmful to the goal of increasing cross-cultural knowledge at worst


All of this coz lilith wanted to mess with me. Butterfly effect

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the difference really comes down to how people act when given a good faith (this part is very important and can often be overlooked by people who automatically assume they have some kind of moral “high ground”) opportunity to learn about the lives of others