Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

ok yeah
that’s the adhd


just got a 440444. i think that even beats the 2222XX one i got


It’s usually not explicit contradictions, but they are contradictions per se e.g. a community of transphobes is intrinsically exclusive of the vast majority of trans people because you aren’t going to find community with a bunch of people who hate you. That’s an extreme example, but it’s more down to the introduction of restrictions for the purposes of inclusiveness (in the broadest sense) leads to some amount of social friction caused by self-censorship. Self-censorship is not a bad thing, and it’s an extremely common and normal thing we do literally all the time to get along and coexist. It’s just one of those things where we tend to stick around in places where we have to do it the least (unless we have another reason to be there).

So another example that comes to mind is a community I’m apart of where there was an active member who didn’t want to see pictures of food. They said it made them ill to see food pics and asked moderators to make a rule requiring pictures of food to be spoilered or segregated into a food channel. The moderators decided to not ban pictures of food or require them to be spoilered because 1) they were almost never posted and 2) occasionally dealing with things we don’t want to see is something we all deal with. (Further context is the server has thousands of members.)

Inclusivity in the context of structuring a community is about norms or rules governing the behavior of its members to ensure the comfort of some or all of its in members in specific contexts. An LGBTQ inclusive space means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but at the bare minimum it means the 'phobes aren’t allowed in. They are necessarily excluded. The person who didn’t want to see food pics and the people who wanted to post them is a situation where it isn’t direct exclusion of the latter group to increase the comfort of the former, but it is friction and enough friction does become exclusion because more and more people self-select out.


Now you need to get the 24242


i am a mobilecel


not mine to win

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You should win it anyway, to flex on everyone else.


Yeah very closely related, but it’s a more granular/nuanced thing.


In any case, we cannot let tutuu win it, that would be the worst case scenario.

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granule … dog food … arctic … i hope arcy is doing fine … i miss him …

Allegedly if Biden drops out, since he’s already won the nomination republicans could sue and have the name change held in court for a while

This feels fucking stupid can someone verify this

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I think generally the court’s policy is to not interfere in primaries so Biden would have to drop out before the democrat national convention but

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Also the Supreme Court is stacked so

Assumedly it would be a lower court but republicans republicans

i do support a separate politics channel or thread maybe

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probably an opt in thing

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Idk it just feels weird for that to happen so I need verification

he specifically has not won the nomination yet (he’s the “presumptive nominee” but the convention hasn’t happened yet)

this wouldn’t necessarily stop Republicans from suing on basically spurious grounds but it would make it less likely to do anything


Ye thats what I was saying

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